How I closed 100 sales from 100 presentations without a miss - FREE eBook

I will show you step by step how to double, triple or even quadruple your sales closing averages, easily, quickly and with greatly improved GP

Discover the Psychological Secrets to Closing Countless Sales

Teach sales personnel how to Professionally Close Sales

13 Exciting and Powerful Sequential eBooks on how to Psychologically and Professionally CLOSE SALES. The purpose of these eBooks is to teach sales personnel how to CLOSE SALES by applying proven Sales Psychology! This remarkable Sales Closing Psychology will greatly benefit both the "sales rookie" and the seasoned Sales personnel. Those sales personnel who are applying this Sales Closing Psychology are doubling, tripling or even quadrupling their sales closing averages, easier, quicker and more professionally resulting in far more commission for themselves and more profit for their respective companies.

This Remarkable Series of eBooks - first eBook is FREE

The Academy of Sales Psychology is dedicated to teaching Sales Psychology Skills to all sales personnel, thus elevating them to their true, vital and deserving status. We welcome YOU to join us on YOUR exciting journey to becoming a true Sales Professional and enjoying all the Accolades, Benefits and Financial Rewards this awesome profession has too offer.

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About the Author image

Hi, my name is Lou Pinder, for years I struggled to close sales until I applied simple Sales Psychology, then I closed 100 sales from 100 presentations without a miss! Allow me to share that simple Sales Psychology with you!

Through the results I was achieving in closing sales I founded the Academy of Sales Psychology specifically to  help other struggling sales personnel to close sales and become true Sales Professionals

Lou is so passionate about selling as a Profession he wants to elevate this incredible Sales Industry and those in it to a higher and deserving status.  

He studied Motivational Psychology with the Success Motivation Institute, Texas (USA), obtaining a Master's Degree with the organisation. He was considered to be their leading corporate skills developer in Australia, having received many awards, including being accepted into their coveted President's Club.

Lou has studied and taught Behavioural Science for over thirty years in various countries, and is qualified in several Psychological Disciples such as Transactional Analysis TA, Personality Profile Styling, Subconscious Body Language, Advances Interpersonal communication Skills, Leadership Psychology and Advanced Sales Psychology. He also attended the Academy of Applied Hypnosis in Australia, receiving his Certificate of Hypnosis, then obtaining a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Before deciding to retire he was a member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy a member of the International Transactional Analysis Association (USA), a member of the National Speakers Association, Course Designer and Course Director with Academy of Sales Psychology.

Lou combined these disciples and created what has been acclaimed as the World's most Successful Sales Closing Psychology of all time.

He developed the outstandingly successful “Advanced Sales Psychology Program". To tests its effectiveness he personally field tested the Sales Psychology and closed 100 sales from 100 presentations without a miss and by doing so established a World Record for Closing Sales, this Record remains unbroken to this day!

Lou realised that the quality of the sales skills in the sales industry was appalling. To address this, he founded the Sales Professionals in the UK in early 2000 in an attempt to unite and educate all sales personnel Worldwide by sharing his Sales Closing Psychology.

Those sales personnel who are applying this Sales Psychology are doubling, tripling or even quadrupling their sales, more easily, quickly and with greatly increased GP.

Lou strongly believes that trying to sell without knowing how to close sales is like fishing without bait - Pointless!

The Academy of Sales Psychology now provides the World's most successful and effective Sales Closing Psychology Skills that address these Key concerns of most sales personnel.  

It is unique in the field of sales as it operates from a powerful platform of Proven Applied Sales Psychology.

It is transforming a novice Sales person into an outstanding sales person and a seasoned sales person into a true Sales Professional and they are closing sales like never before.

When a sales person understands the Psychology of what to say and how to say it during a sale, their self-confidence makes them unstoppable!

Transforming Sales Personnel into Master Closers: The eBook Series


eBook Session One: Professionally and Successfully Setting up the Sale - FREE!

// How to Professionally and Successfully Set Up YOUR Sales Process \\ Like any building or structure, setting up strong, good and sound foundations are imperative. Selling is no different, in sales we call this structure the, Sales Process. If the Sales Process is set up correctly and professionally the chances of a successful sale is dramatically increased. This eBook Session will show you step by step how to Professionally, Meet, Greet, Qualify, Deepen and Relate to customers/clients. This will create a sound platform of trust and respect by the customer/client therefore making you stand out as a true Professional Sales person who they can trust.



eBook Session Two: Subconscious Mind & Lock-downs

// Getting the Customer to accept YOUR Sales Process Through Understanding Their Subconscious Mind \\ People are governed and motivated by feelings, NOT logic. Feelings govern our Subconscious Mind. When you understand how the Subconscious Mind is affected by the things that you say, you can have a strong and powerful effect upon the outcome. If you can get a customer's Subconscious Mind to accept and believe what we want them to, and have them believe it's their idea during your Sales Process, closing the sale becomes relatively easy. In this eBook Session we will show you, step by step, how to successfully achieve this and get the customer to readily accept and agree with your salient points during your Sales Process.



eBook Session Three: Minimal Encourages

// How to Professionally Apply Effective Interactive Listening Skills and Gain Total Trust, and Therefore the Sale // As a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, our greatest skills is simply listening to clients without interruption of any-kind by applying "Minimal Emcouragers". This Psychology applies equally to the art of selling as it applies to someone undergoing therapy. One of the most common faults with sales personnel is that they do not ask the right questions and do not listen to customers. Listening is a profound Psychological Skill that MUST be learned if a Sales Person is to become a Master Sales Professional. In this eBook Session we will show you how to master this skill, therefore have the customers reveal their motivation for buying, and most importantly they will TRUST YOU. In other words, YOU listen YOUR way to a sale.



eBook Session Four: W.I.F.Ms

// How to Effectively Close the Sales as YOU Open YOUR Sales Process // Knowing that as a customer enters your business their decision to buy has already been made by them prior to them leaving home. If you have correctly Qualified them (as shown in eBook Session one) you can often continue the Sales Process with a closing 'WIFM'*, therefore effectively closing the sale at the beginning of your Sales Process. (*WIFMs will be discussed in a later eBook Session). You CLOSE the sales immediately after you have completed your Sales Process, (as per this title) then continue your Sales Process knowing that the customer has already bought your product or service. Closing the sale with this Psychological Technique is simple, smooth, easy, and very Professional.



eBook Sessin Five: Challenge

// Persuading Customers into YOUR way of Thinking // Most sales personnel seem to go through their entire selling career telling customers about a product or service. It takes a true Professional to persuade people into accepting their way of thinking and closing a sale. Selling is the art of persuading people to accept your ideas, suggestions, recommendations and way of thinking. It takes skill to persuade others into your point of view, and that's what selling is all about: Professionally Persuading customers to buy your goods and services. In this eBook Session we will show you how to Professionally and Correctly persuade customers into YOUR way of thinking during your Sales Process and have them willingly take your advice.



eBook Session Six: Roll-Overs

// Turning a Simple Customer Question into a Strong and Easy Close // Customers always ask questions when buying a product or service, it's how you answer these questions that largely determines the outcome of the sale. Most sales personnel simple answer these questions with the knowledge they possess at the time. Most sales personnel miss opportunities to close a sales when a customer asks a question. In this eBook Session we will show you how to turn a customer's straightforward question into an effective and simple close.



eBook Session Seven: Alternative Close

// The Incredibly Powerful Alternative Close // Psychologically it is very difficult for most people to make a major decision, and they will avoid it if the can. As a true Sales Professional it is your responsibility to make decisions on behalf of the customer and then have them agree with the decision you have made, this is referred to as Professional Selling. The immense Psychological pressure when making a major decision for some people can be overwhelming, that's one of the reasons sales people encounter so many, I'll think about it", from customers, the fear of making a major decision. In this eBook Session we will show you how to get the customer to agree to making a minor decision instead of a major decision, without them being aware that this minor decision will make the major decision for them.



eBook Session Eight: Features-Benefits Lock-Downs

// Selling More Expensive Items, and Being Thanked by the Customers for Doing So // One of the most common mistakes sales people make is trying to sell the cheapest product or service. Many sales personnel assume that customers always want the cheapest of anything. A survey carried out by the Retail Industry to test this assumption discovered that only 3% of people buy the cheapest of anything. If you can persuade customers that a more expensive product is of far greater VALUE, you can up-sell them in almost all cases. It is Psychological fact people do not want to buy cheap things, if it can be proven that other products are of far better VALUE customers will usually buy them, and thank you for it. In this eBook Session we will show you how to persuade customers into willingly purchasing more expensive items and thank you for it.



eBook Session Nine: Negating

// How to Get Your Customers to Negate Your Competitors, and Buy from YOU // When customers are out to buy something in most cases they will want to compare similar products the market has to offer before making a final decision. Some unskilled sales personnel fall into the trap of negating (rubbishing) a competitor's product or service in an attempt to promote their own. It is a Psychological fact that when you negate a competitor's product or service you belittle yourself in the eyes of the customer. In this eBook Session we will show you how to get the customer to negate the competitor's products or service for you whilst you openly praise your competitors. In other words, the customer negates your competitor's product or service for you, and therefore they believe what they have said.



eBook Session Ten: Price V Value

// How to Overcome, "What's Your Cheapest Price?", and Close the Sale // When a customer asks this question in almost all cases sales personnel have absolutely no idea how to Professionally deal with it. Most sales personnel fumble, stumble, are clumsy, some say the silliest things in an attempt to avoid answering this question. In this eBook Session we will show how to address this common question and in almost all cases close the sale. We also address how to refocus the customer's Subconscious Mind onto another one of your products or services.



eBook Session Eleven: Mastering Closes Through Mastering Objections

// Mastering Closes Through Mastering Objections // In almost all sales situations there comes a time when a customer will object to something about the product or service you are attempting to sell. This is the point in the sale that many sales personnel dread, as most aren't aware of how to address this. Knowing how to Professionally handle objections is a well sort after skill that few sales people possess. In this eBook Session we will show you how to welcome objections so you can use this as a platform from which to close the sales.



eBook Session Twelve: Master Closing Technique

// How to Professionally and Successfully Close Sales // There are many different Psychological ways to close a sale depending upon varying factors that develop during the Sales Process. Knowing how to apply theses Psychological Closing Techniques is one of the Keys to becoming a true Sales Professional and doubling, tripling or even quadrupling your sales. If you can't close a sale you are not a sales person, you are a demonstrator. In this eBook Session we will show you the different closing Psychological Techniques and how to successfully apply them. Thus transforming you into a truly and effective Sales Professional, worthy of this title.



eBook Session Thirteen: Different Closes

// How to Successfully and Professionally apply 10 Successful Sales Closing Techniques // By this stage YOU should be conversant and fluent with the Sales Techniques we have covered in these Series of eBooks. As previously stated most sales personnel dread the time when it comes to closing the sale. Closing a sales should be natural, fluent and seamless as YOU progress the end of YOUR sales presentation, or if the opportunity presents itself during your Sales Process. In this ebook Session we will discuss the 10 different types of Professional Closes. These 10 Types of Closes will make Closing Sales easy, smooth and Professional.



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Case Studies

Selling a car in 10 minutes and being thanked for it!!

I was conducting a Sales Training Workshop in a car dealership, Stewart Toyota in Miranda NSW, in the eighties when I was allied to the Auto industry.

 One of the salesmen in the training asked me if I had ever sold a car. I replied "No", he followed by saying, "How could I teach them how to sell cars if I had never sold a car? 

Fair comment, I then explained that selling and closing sales in common across the entire sale industry if you know what you are doing.

He followed by saying, "Put your money where your mouth is, I challenge you to come in and show us".

It is the first time I had been challenged, so I accepted. I told the Sales Manager that he would have to supply someone to do the paper work, he rapidly agreed.

The following Saturday morning I arrived at the Dealership and with the other sales personnel we waited for customers to arrive. Sure enough a short time later a couple arrived on the forecourt with two little girls in tow.

The sales personnel literally forced me out of the showroom to serve the couple, then they all sat back to watch the show and have a laugh at my expense!

Remember I can only work with the information that the customer/s presents to me

The following is the dialogue, almost verbatim. Follow the dialogue then we will analyse the Psychology behind my Sales Process and how I closed the sales in around ten minutes:


Dialogue:         During the dialogue I apply, 'Minimal Encouragers', 'Lock-Downs', 'Ad-Ons', 

                        'Assumptive Closing', 'I speak slowly with empathy' and I LISTEN to the customer without interrupting them! 


Me:                        "Good morning, lovely day isn't it, by the way may name is Lou".

Customer:           "I'm Steve and this is my wife Clair", (he then told me the name of his two girls)

Me:                        "How can I help you"?

Customer:           "We are looking at a Corolla".

Me:                        (Nod and slowly) "Yea, nice cars, aren't they"?

Customer:           "Yes, we like them"

Me:                        (slowly, with empathy) "Tell me, why a Corolla"?

                He then commenced to tell me all the things he liked about the Corolla.

Me:                        "Have you had a test drive"?

Customer:           "Yes, last week".

Me:                        (pause) "So your question is, how can you ensure that if you buy the car through Stewart's, 

                                 you are getting the best deal for your money, now that's your question, isn't it"?      

Customer:           "Absolutely"!

Me:                        "Will you trading in your current car"?

Customer:           "Yes, as a deposit"!

Me:                        "OK, I'll call one of the guys over to take it for an evaluation, fair enough"?

Customer:           "That's OK"

                       I then waved to the Showroom for one of the sales guys to over, and take the car for an evaluation

Me:                       "Tell me, how much could you comfortably afford to spend on a weekly basis on a brand new Corolla"?

Customer:           (Clair answered)  "We could afford around $20 a week"!

                      (remember that this was in the eighties, $20 a week was around $120 in today's terms)

Me:                        (slowly with a pause) "Right, but what could you really afford a week for a brand the new Corolla"?

Clair:                      "Well, I suppose we could afford $30 per week"!

Me:                        (slowly with a pause) "Clair, seriously, what could you really afford a week for a brand new,  top of the line, Corolla,                                                                                                     with air-conditioning, two tone paint, Mag wheels, everything"?

Clair:                     "If we really pushed it, we could squeeze say $40 a week, at that's really is our limit"!

Me:                        (Pause) "I can understand that, so $20 a week would be no problem, wouldn't it"?

Clair:                      "No, that would be great, thanks"!

Me:                       "Let's pop  over to the Showroom and speak to finance, fair enough"?

                      We entered the Show room, and I proceeded to the lady who arranged finance

Me:                        I said, "This is Clair and Steve, they are buying a new Corolla and can afford $20 a week,                                                                                                                                                   can we arrange to do that for them"?

Finance Lady:     "Sure"!

Me:                        "Clair, are you sure you can afford $20 a week"?

Clair:                      "Yes Lou"!

Me:                        "You will still be able to take the girls to McDonalds and have ice creams"?

Clair:                      "Lou, we can easily afford $20 a week"!

Me:                        "OK, I'll leave you can come back later, fair enough"!

The evaluation of their current trade in was not even an issue for them!

The deal was done in less than 10 minutes! Only the paper work was left to BE concluded.

Analysing the sales processes the Psychology applied:

1/.          I welcomed them and introduced myself  -  we are now on first name basis and the resistance to buy has halved                                                                                                       So many sales personnel never get to first name basis - it's VITAL that you do!

2/.          I asked "How can I help you"? - Note the first word command, which was directed to their Subconscious Mind - so they answered positively,                                                        -"We are looking for a Corolla"!

3/.          I answered with a 'Ad-On', aren't they?, positive statement, "Yea, we like them!" - this is giving them a positive  psychological good stroke and                                                    getting them to re-enforce they like them!

NOTE  - I did not start to show them a car - I wanted to know why a Corolla - so I simply asked , "Why a Corolla"?

4/.          I then just LISTENED (no interruptions) and applied 'Minimal Encouragers', whilst Steve told me what he liked about the Corolla,                                                                            two things were happening simultaneously, he was telling me what they liked about the Corolla, therefore reselling himself on the car,                                                                and giving ME all his buying criteria that  I may need to close him!!

                 PLEASE read and re-read this until you fully understand what I did here and why!

5/.          I then asked, "Have you had a test drive"- Steve replied, - "Yes" - this tells me they have had a test drive and  weren't professionally closed!                                                           In other words someone had done all the work and I was about to close him and reap all the rewards!!




6/.          I said, "So your question is, how can you ensure that if you buy the car through Stewart's, you are  getting the best deal for your money,                                                                now that's your question, isn't it"?           




7/.          I asked him if he was trading in his current car - he said ,"Yes", I had his car assessed,  we are now  deepening them into the sale and they feel more                                          committed to buying

                                                                REMEMBER THEY DID NOT NEED TO BE FURTHER SOLD ON THE CAR, I NEVER EVEN ATTEMPTED 



8/.          This is how I closed them on money, "Tell me, how much could you comfortably afford to spend on a weekly basis on the new Corolla"?

Note that I said 'comfortably afford to spend on weekly basis' - comfortably is softening word - on a weekly basis reduces the financial commitment to the least amount - rather than a monthly amount!


9/.          The answer was $20 a week, I proceed with  - BAD COP - Right, but what could you really afford a week for a brand the new Corolla?                                                                     I continued with BAD COP - Clair, seriously, what could you really afford a week for a brand new, top of the line Corolla, with air-conditioning, two tone paint,                         Mag wheels in fact the works? - Pressure is on Clair - She replied with a little agitation, which is what I wanted - If we really pushed it, we could squeeze say $40 a                week, at that's really is our limit!

10/.        Now in comes the, 'GOOD COP'  to release the pressure on Clair - "So $20 a week would be no problem, wouldn't it"?

                (Clair) "No, that would be great, thanks"! I could see the profound look of relief on her face.



11/.        I now applied an 'Assumptive Close -  Let's pop over to the Showroom and speak to finance, "fair enough"?                                                                                                                 Note the, 'fair enough' 'Lock-Down' at the end of my statement.

12/.        I re-enforced the fact that $20 a week would be no problem, this is to remove any buyer's remorse after the sale, as Clair had insisted that they could                                      comfortably afford $20 a week so strongly she  could not later claim she could not afford it and believed that she closed the deal!

I later popped back  to see the couple and they were ecstatic about their new purchase


The entire process was done at a 'Subconscious Level' and the customers, had absolutely no idea what I was doing, other than taking the agony out of selling and making it an easy, comfortable  and an enjoyable experience.


Note, there were NO sales gimmicks, NO misleading, No pressure, No nonsense, just pure Sales Professionalism! 


Also note just how quick the transaction was, from beginning to end was around ten minutes!

Shortly after lunch time I left, I had sold four cars by applying simple Sales Psychology, which is a good weeks work for most car sales personnel - point proven!

Lou Pinder

Closing a sale in less than minute, when you know how!!!

I was waiting to see the Proprietor of the Electrical Department at Harvey Norman Store Mount Gravatt Queensland Australia.

He had a Rep with him so I stood in front of a row of washing machines awaiting my turn to see him.

Whist standing there a man approached me believing me to  one of the sales personnel, so I said, "How can I help you"?

He said he was looking for washing machine for his daughter as hers had broke down the day before and she has children and needed a new machine.

The following is the dialogue I used, almost verbatim.

 Please read this in your normal reading pace and time it, you will find it took less than one minute to execute!

In that time we were on first name basis, I discovered what he wanted, when he wanted it, how much money he had to spend, who made the decisions and what his buying criteria was , in-fact everything I would need to close him, and ALL this was achieved in less than one minute!


Me:                        "How can I help you, by the way my name is Lou"

Customer:           "I'm Rod"!

Me:                        "Hi Rod"!

Rod:                       "Hi Lou"!

Me:                        "How can I help you"?

Rod:                       "I need a washing machine for my daughter she kids and her machine broke yesterday and she needs a new one".

Me:                        "Tell me Rod, what do you know about washing machines"?

Rod:                       "Nothing"!

Me:                        (Pause speak slowly) "That's OK, so to help me help you, may I ask you a few questions"?

Rod:                       "Yes, of course you can"!

Me:                        (Pause speak slowly) "Is it something you are looking for now or in the future"?

Rod:                       "No, now she needs one straight away"! 

Me:                        (Pause speak slowly) "What kind of budget do you have in mind"?

Rod:                       "Around $1000"

Me:                        (Pause speak slowly) "And you are buying it for her"?

Rod:                       "Yes"!

Me:                        (Pause speak slowly) "OK, what kind of things are you looking for in a machine"?

                                He commenced to tell me what things he wanted in the machine

Me:                        (Pause speak slowly) "Let me show what we have"!

                As I said that a Salesman appeared form behind the row of refrigerators

I beckoned him over to us and introduced him to Rod and gave the salesman all the information.

By this time the Proprietor was free to I thanked Rod and went to see the Proprietor.

What I have I achieved in less than a minute?

It took me around 40 seconds to gather all the information that I needed to close Rod, with Rod's TOTAL consent and complete cooperation - good, isn't it?

Please read this until you fully understand what I did and why I did it!!!



Analysis of the transaction and the Applied Sales Psychology

1/.          I made the first move and introduced myself, giving my first name. Rod replied and gave me his first a name. We are now on first name basis and resistance to                    buying has halved.

2/.          "How can I help you"? How, is a command word which evokes a direct response, Rod tells me what he is looking for.

3/.          I listen and paused, then ask him, "What do you know about washing machines", he replied, "Nothing", which is precisely what I want him to say.                                                Most people will either say, "Nothing", or,  "Very little'.  Even if he had said, "I design washing machines", I would have continued with the following sales process.

4/.        Now I can ask, and this is VITAL, "That's OK, so to help me help you, may I ask you a few questions"? He answered, "Yes, of course you can".                                                    He has now given me permission to ask him anything I want to ask him. In other words I can now, with his total consent, gain all the information                                               I need to close him.

Please read this until you thoroughly understand what I did and why I did it!

5/.          There are four qualifying questions that need to be answered when selling anything, and in this order:

                1/.          What do you want

                2/.          When do you want it

                3/.          How much have to spend

                4/.          Who makes the decisions

When you gain this information the chances of closing a sales is almost guaranteed!

As you are using them against them - good isn't it?

                When Rob arrived he told me what he wanted, so there was no need to ask the first question.

                So after me saying, "That's OK, so to help me help you, may I ask you a few questions"?

                I proceeded with the second question: When do you want it. I Asked this question this way:

                "Is it something you are looking for now or in the future"? I wanted him to tell me when he wanted it,  he is telling me, so it must be true for him,                                                 and there is NO sales pressure from me!

6/.          I then asked the third question in this way: "What kind of budget do you have in mind"?

               Note, I did not say. "How much do you have to spend"? Asking the question the way I asked it and using the word, Budget", is gentle and professional,                                     as most people have a budget to work with and they are more inclined to answer you when this question is presented this way!

7/.          I then proceeded with asking the fourth question, "Who makes the decisions', I asked it this way:  "And you are buying it for her"?He answered, "Yes"!

8/.          I continued with a 'Buying Criteria Question', and this is also a VITAL  question:

                "OK, what kind of things are you looking for in a machine"?

                This question is designed to get a customer to tell YOU all THEIR  buying criteria, so you can sell to that criteria, and hit the 'Bulls Eye', every time.                                            YOU must stick to their criteria when selling them a    product, NEVER ASSUME to know what the customer may want!

I now possess all the VITAL information that I need to close the sale

                I stick to the customers buying criteria for the rest of the Sales Process, this makes you look very professional and gains customer trust:


This Sales Process is VERY PROFESSIONAL and very profitable to the thousands of Sales Personnel who are now applying it!

When I left the Proprietor's office, Rod had stayed behind and approached me, he said, "Lou, thanks for your help, sorry, I thought you were a sales person"!                             I replied, "Rod, that's OK, did you get what you wanted", he said , "Yes, and thanks for making the experience so easy, I was dreading being sold too by some                      high pressure sale person"!

Selling is easy when you know how!

Lou Pinder